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Soul Winds Studio

Fresh perspectives bubble up here at the studio.

Soul Winds Studio is a place where an individual has the freedom to express themselves constructively.

Doing something for yourself, practicing self-love.

Being the change.

Letting the winds of soul guide you.


You have an idea,

the studio can hold space for you.

Paige has experience with painting, photography, printmaking, wood shop, jewelry making, textiles, and sculpture.

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Paige Leigh

Paige is currently enrolled at The Academy of Art University in San Francisco for a BA in Art Education. She is inspired to learn new ways to heal the mind, body, and soul through art. Art is unlimited; anytime someone practices their craft while paying attention to the details with care - that is art.  Paige’s goals include: helping others help themselves, to inspire, and to be inspired.  Paige believes there are many ways to heal the mind, body, and soul while exploring this universe.   During her me-time, she enjoys being out in nature, watching the weather, crafting, and learning more about this amazing world we live in.

Rashia I

Presenting Past with Hope of Future

Nature Fills A Void

Love to Ocean

Lotus Link

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Massage Therapy

Paige is a skilled massage therapist, having practiced since 2005.  Her passion to help clients, using the healing power of body manipulation and massage, has motivated her to continue her education and training over the past 18 years.

Yoga Mats

Yoga Instruction

Paige enjoys offering yoga instruction to help round out the body, mind, and soul connection for a system of healing the whole being.

Getting the body to move outside of it's everyday activities is a great way to bring freshness into your life.

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